Government of Ontario

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AF152 Pratiques de gestion optimales la santé des sols en Ontario
AF152 Pratiques de gestion optimales la santé des sols en Ontario

Product Description

  • Publication #: 025617_U

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Product Details

Product AuthorMinistry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Date Published2016-11-16
FormatOnline Resources
Search CategoryRural and north
Accessible Version

Other Notes

Soil is a vital natural resource and the foundation of agricultural production. The many benefits of a healthy soil are important - underpinning the long-term sustainability of thefarm operation, our agri-food sector, and our environment. What is a healthy agricultural soil? Essentially it refers to a soil's ability to support crop growth without becoming degraded or otherwise harming the environment. While a soil can be degraded through particular practices, the good news is that many best mana

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